Stronger Concrete

Two of the most common water storage methods are (plastic) polyethylene tanks and underground concrete water tanks. So, if you go online and search ‘tanks in Australia’ you’ll get tons of hits. This can be puzzling and overwhelming because you don’t know how to tell which company offers the best quality and service.

Well, when you shop with Sydney Tanks, we offer a few options that other tank suppliers don’t. That’s why our customers trust us. To start with, we’re friendly and open in all our dealings. We don’t have any hidden costs, and we won’t make a single move unless you’re okay with it. In fact, our first step with any client is a free consult.

Free evaluation and quotation

We’ll send our team to your site, so they can discuss your water storage requirements and inspect your property or premises. Once we have a clear on-ground perspective, we’ll tell you what we think works best for you. We’ll give you a detailed breakdown including price and visual layout, and we’ll do it all without any charges. Submit the free site plan to your local council. We’ll wait for their go-ahead – and yours – before we do anything.

Your tank will have an overflow flap and mosquito mesh to prevent animals and dirty water from entering the tank. Our stainless steel pumps are part of the tank package, and we can install a rain switch too. Once programmed, the switch alternates rainwater and municipal water, triggering itself back and forth when the tank level is too low or adequately high.

Some parts of your home or office collect less rainwater than others, due to barriers or varying topography. That’s why the site visit is so important. As part of our evaluation, we will tell you the best location for your tank, and draft a downpipe plan with turrets in various heights. This system will help you collect the maximum amount of rainwater, and we won’t bill you for the site plan – just the installation if you choose to go forward.

Council-approved installations

If you want one, we can add a First Flush system. It keeps the water clean by ensuring the first water off the roof – the one that probably has accumulated dust and twigs – is led away from the tank. First Flush redirects those first 170 litres of initial rainfall. Our tanks are reinforced with steel and come with a 30-year guarantee. It covers replacement and repair within our terms, so you won’t be left hanging if anything goes wrong. In addition to tanks, we also provide stormwater detention tanks, pits, and grates.

Underground storage has to be strong enough to support the weight above it, but light enough not to crush the tank below. We design our in-ground water tanks with solid, reinforced lids that weigh at most 9.5kg and can handle a load of up to 1,500 tonnes. These lids are locked with stainless steel bolts for added safety, and their 600mm fastenings can easily be opened when you need to clean and maintain the tank.

For quality tanks that last for decades, call Sydney Tanks today on 1800 041 111.

Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Recycling water in your home is a great way to save costs and be environmentally friendly.

As a home owner, it is important to understand the different types of household wastewater and the ways in which these can be disposed and recycled.

There are 3 types of household wastewater:

  • BLACK WATER – This is wastewater that is generated from a toilet. It is heavy and directly contaminated with human waste.
  • GREY WATER – This is wastewater that comes from your hand basin, shower, laundry and kitchen.
  • SEWAGE – This is a combination of both black water and grey water.

There are 3 ways this waste water can be disposed of:

  • CENTRALISED – Through pipes called sewers into a sewage system and treated in a single large sewage treatment plant, where it can be converted into a resource for selective reuse. For example; car washing, outdoor household garden watering, toilet flushing, golf course watering and irrigation of crops. The treated effluent may also be discharged into rivers and oceans.
  • DE-CENTRALISED – Through pipes into a local community small sewage treatment plant for local community reuse.
  • ON-SITE SINGLE DOMESTIC WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS – A system where the sewage or components such as grey water must be fully treated for utilization or reuse within the property boundaries.

An  Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) is a great example of an onsite domestic wastewater management system.

A BioSeptic AWTS treats household wastewater and can be reused in your garden.

Wastewater is treated and recycled to the property where it is produced, rather than moving the waste problem to a town sewage treatment plant.

When you install a BioSeptic AWTS in your home, it means you will pay for water once and use it twice.

An economical and environmentally friendly solution.

We love helping our customers save money and the environment, so if your looking for an AWTS (or perhaps you know someone who is) contact us today on 1300 658 111

Harvesting Rainwater

Water is the most essential commodity for life. People have built their settlements based on water availability since the beginning of time. However, the rapid growth of urban centres and cities like Sydney puts a strain on natural water reserves. While municipalities do their best to supply water to all their residents, factors out of their control can lead to shortages. These include prolonged drought, extreme heat, water contamination and a range of logistical challenges.

Water supply uncertainties in several parts of the country have made people invest in water storage tanks. Water tanks give you some degree of freedom from the volatility of water supply, especially during crises. However, they can take up a lot of square footage. To save space, many people are installing underground water tanks in Sydney. This article looks into some of the main benefits you can enjoy by saving space and water with underground concrete tanks.

Enjoy Better Views

Underground water tanks allow you to enjoy uninterrupted views of your property, neighbourhood and environment. This is very valuable if you have a small yard.

Many people find greenery to be very therapeutic. Yet, if faced with a choice between water security and a great view, water security will always win. Underground water tanks allow you to enjoy both options. They save you from compromising the quality of your view.

Alternative uses for your yard

Installing an underground concrete tank allows you to repurpose your yard. Concrete is one of the strongest building materials available. Depending on how your tank is built, you may not have any limitations on how to use the space on top of it.

At Sydney Water Tanks, we can provide you with underground tanks that work well with any function you have in mind for your yard. With our tanks, you can host parties, plant a vegetable garden or even install an outdoor kitchen in your yard. If you don’t want to build any structures, you can use it as a safe play area for your kids and pets.

Adds Value to Your Property

Extra water storage is a valuable addition to any house. Underground water tanks are very appealing if you plan to resell your house. This is because they rarely interfere with any design modification plans. Your tank can give you a competitive edge over other sellers in the market.

Water-Saving Benefits of Underground Concrete Tanks

Lower Utility Bills

You can easily connect a rainwater harvesting system to your underground water tank. This allows you to collect and use free water any time you want. You can water your lawns, wash your driveway or fill up your pool at no extra cost. You will not need to worry about monthly water bills or the rising municipal levies ever again.

Reserve Water Supply

You can fill your underground water tank in the rainy seasons and use your reserves during sporadic water shortages. Sporadic shortages can be caused by burst pipes and other logistical challenges. Reserve water supply frees you from the pressure your neighbours may be facing to find water. With a well-sized tank, your reserves could keep you hydrated until the water supply crisis can be averted.

While saving space and water, underground tanks teach you to be more conservative. When using piped water, you can’t know when it is about to run out. Yet, you can see the water levels in your tank every time you use it. This can make you more conscious of the environment and motivate you to find ways to save and recycle water.