Wastewater Treatment Solutions
Recycling water in your home is a great way to save costs and be environmentally friendly.
As a home owner, it is important to understand the different types of household wastewater and the ways in which these can be disposed and recycled.
There are 3 types of household wastewater:
- BLACK WATER – This is wastewater that is generated from a toilet. It is heavy and directly contaminated with human waste.
- GREY WATER – This is wastewater that comes from your hand basin, shower, laundry and kitchen.
- SEWAGE – This is a combination of both black water and grey water.
There are 3 ways this waste water can be disposed of:
- CENTRALISED – Through pipes called sewers into a sewage system and treated in a single large sewage treatment plant, where it can be converted into a resource for selective reuse. For example; car washing, outdoor household garden watering, toilet flushing, golf course watering and irrigation of crops. The treated effluent may also be discharged into rivers and oceans.
- DE-CENTRALISED – Through pipes into a local community small sewage treatment plant for local community reuse.
- ON-SITE SINGLE DOMESTIC WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS – A system where the sewage or components such as grey water must be fully treated for utilization or reuse within the property boundaries.
An Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) is a great example of an onsite domestic wastewater management system.
A BioSeptic AWTS treats household wastewater and can be reused in your garden.
Wastewater is treated and recycled to the property where it is produced, rather than moving the waste problem to a town sewage treatment plant.
When you install a BioSeptic AWTS in your home, it means you will pay for water once and use it twice.
An economical and environmentally friendly solution.
We love helping our customers save money and the environment, so if your looking for an AWTS (or perhaps you know someone who is) contact us today on 1300 658 111