Concrete reinforcing fibre
Conforce is a supplier of steel and synthetic fibres for concrete reinforcement for precast, slabs and shotcrete. It is associated with BioSeptic and Sydney Water Tanks, both businesses are precast tank manufacturers.
Many years ago, BioSeptic found it difficult to find a supplier of fibres that were of consistent good quality and supported by a tensile strength certificate. Septic tanks manufacturers which are accredited to AS/NZS1546.1:2008 are required to prove the tensile strength of their fibres as part of their Product Certification.
Nobis Products which became known as Conforce was created to supply a consistent fibre to the required tensile strength and specification. Today every batch of fibre is tested during manufacture and is dispatched with a tensile strength certificate.
Conforce has had only one fibre manufacturer since 2007. Conforce staff visit the manufacturing plant in China to review the production methods.
After almost 30 years’ experience working in the septic tank industry Conforce staff consider that they can supply the correct product, on time, every time, at a competitive price.
Tensile STrength Certificates:
SW105 MP48 Conforce Tensile Cert
SW108HEG 0960 hook end tensile strength certificate
SW113 S38 Conforce tensile strength certificate